Luke Davis

About Luke Davis

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So far Luke Davis has created 208 blog entries.

Investing Requires EQ

One of the largest myths people believe about personal finance and investing is that it is simply a math formula to be solved. In fact, I would argue one’s emotional intelligence has infinitely more impact on their success in investing than their mathematical intelligence. Psychologist Peter Salovey defines emotional intelligence [...]

By |October 12th, 2022|Categories: Investment Management|

Why I’m still bullish on America

I have to admit, over the past few months I have written quite a few depressing columns. It’s probably justifiable given just how much pessimism there seems to be out there right now. However, this week I want to hopefully give you a good dose of optimism. With Russian president [...]

By |September 27th, 2022|Categories: Economy, Government|
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