
The Elephant in the Nation

Have you heard which party is serious about slowing down the rate of debt we owe? Trick question, right? You have not heard because the answer is, Neither one! Even though I am an optimist at heart, it is my realistic opinion that we have reached and passed the point [...]

By |July 9th, 2024|Categories: Politics, Debt, Government|

Inflation Must Be Fine!

Today’s topic is inflation, a popular subject recently. A higher trend in prices of goods and services has reemerged due to the flood of liquidity the Federal Reserve created to save us from the shut down of the world economy which was created to save us from Covid-19 which was [...]

By |March 13th, 2024|Categories: Economy, Government, News & Events|

As bankrupting student loans gets easier, your life might get harder

As some of you may already be well aware, student loans are notoriously difficult to be absolved of through normal bankruptcy proceedings. That may all be changing soon as a little over a week the Biden Administration released new data on an initiative the White House developed last year to [...]

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