Bitcoin has a role in countering governments’ abuse of money
Bitcoin has made an absolutely remarkable run over the last decade. It may have gone up higher and faster than any other asset class, ever. It was trading under $5000 at the onset of the 2020 covid lockdowns, before running over $60,000 less than a year later. Today, I’d like [...]
Tough Sledding
If you have friends from the 41st latitude, they will tell you there are two seasons—6 months of winter and 6 of tough sledding. That tough sledding part is what we are experiencing in financial markets in 2022. It will probably last through September. After all, this is the mid-term [...]
Reform is Needed in Washington
One of the things that was a mitigating factors for our great nation’s founding almost 250 years ago was the level of corruption that had permeated all areas of British life, particularly it’s government. For this reason, most, if not all, of the signers of our Declaration of Independence, supported [...]
Loving others means taking care of their needs
With my wife Rebecca’s birthday being on Valentine’s Day, the holiday holds a special significance to me. Not because if I forget about it I am in twice as much trouble as other guys, but because I truly love my wife with all of my heart, and this day gives [...]
Service Clubs: A Fruit of Capitalism
Assuming that all US schools are still teaching some American and World History, it appears that some of our young adults just did not understand it. Or perhaps it is logic and critical thinking they have missed. According to the Gallup Organization, since 2010, about 50 percent of our young [...]
A Simple Life Lesson
Life sometimes has a habit of teaching you lessons in weird ways. For the first time in my life, I recently ran out of gas while driving. On this particular day, my low fuel light came on shortly after leaving home for the office. For whatever reason however, I forgot [...]
What’s Going On?
If you’re reading this column there is a good chance you’re hoping I have an answer to the question everyone is asking right now. What is going on! I will do my best do provide some context to recent market volatility. In the mid-2000’s, the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) was [...]
Want a solid return on your investment? Invest in another person.
British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli was once quoted as saying “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.” With January being National Mentoring Month, it seemed like a perfect time to talk about the importance of [...]
Looking Back, Looking Forward
With all of the negative excitement of 2021, I doubt if there are many of us who are too sad to begin a new year with hopes of improvement. Given the effects of illness and rise of other uncertainties, I know that most of you would not have predicted such [...]
What might 2022 hold for markets?
The year 2021 was another challenging year with the pandemic raging on beyond what most optimistically believed with vaccines coming on the scene. Can 2022 be the year most thought 2021 was supposed to be? I can’t think of a more difficult time to predict what’s ahead with so many [...]