
How to Leave Our Legacy

Last week I discussed the opportunity to pass on to our families our bedrock principles. Some refer to this as our social capital. Our inheritance may be large or small, but the beliefs and wisdom we have gained over decades should be far more valuable than cash one hundred years [...]

By |November 22nd, 2017|Categories: Personal Finances, Uncategorized|

Reflections Upon 65 Years

Being in the middle part of the Baby Boomers generation, I attained age 65 late last evening. In days of old when the Halloween Parade was always held at night on the 31st, bad weather notwithstanding, my Mother and family had to break through the parade to reach the Independence [...]

By |November 1st, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|


Time is money, or so the saying goes.  I haven’t always understood what that meant, but then I reached my 30’s, started a family, and it suddenly became crystal clear.  I started asking this type of question: Would I rather utilize my skills to make $X/hour and pay someone else [...]

By |August 23rd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|
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