
About stewcap

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So far stewcap has created 131 blog entries.

Looking Backward and Forward

Harry Truman said, There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know. ( Therefore we first look at some of the financial big picture occurring in 2024. Regarding stocks, the top three sectors were technology, consumer cyclical, and financials. No surprise about technology with the [...]

By |January 22nd, 2025|Categories: Economy, Stocks|

Community Services League Annual Gala

Stewardship Capital is proud to continue its partnership with the Community Services League in assisting communities to reach their potential by providing immediate relief to people in need, assessing their situations, and providing solutions that lead to economic stability.​ Sponsoring events such as the 2017 Luminous Gala help us to [...]

By |November 7th, 2017|Categories: Community Service, Philanthropy|

Are You Doing the Right Thing?

Recently my mother and father-in-law purchased a lake house in which they took out a mortgage. Since she knows what I do for a living, she sought my counsel about the best methodology for paying off the mortgage as quickly as possible. She asked my opinion about pulling funds out [...]

By |September 26th, 2017|Categories: Personal Finances|

Do I Need Long-Term Care Insurance?

There are two sides of the coin of living longer. We often want to live longer to have great relationships with our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. You know, those youngsters with whom we can conspire against our children? But then we don’t want to outlive our enjoyment either. When I can [...]

By |September 21st, 2017|Categories: Insurance, Retirement|

The Great Divide

Prior to the civil war, Abraham Lincoln said “a house divided against itself cannot stand” and I believe those words are no less true today. Although the division we see in our nation has existed beneath the surface for many years, recent events have shown a spotlight on the cultural, [...]

By |September 13th, 2017|Categories: Community|

Two Thirds of 2017

At the end of the coolest KC area August of those I remember, it is difficult to believe that two-thirds of 2017 is now history.  We have witnessed a veritable plethora of events and conditions about which most of us could worry. Meanwhile, Mr. Stock Market has plunged confidently onward [...]

By |September 8th, 2017|Categories: Personal Finances|

Strange Dog Days

In case you haven’t noticed, this will be one of the coolest Augusts in my lifetime for Greater Kansas City. It is supposed to be Dog Days of August, which for some reason means unbearably hot. The stock market should be falling more, but it seemingly will not for now. [...]

By |August 30th, 2017|Categories: Economy, Personal Finances, Resources|
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