Ron Finke

About Ron Finke

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So far Ron Finke has created 128 blog entries.

Teach Your Children Well!

The summer school break is as good as over. Teachers and school personnel are hard at it today, preparing for another new opportunity for our children to become more civilized, hopefully, and to learn the concepts and content necessary to be productive citizens in our society. I thank God for [...]

By |August 16th, 2022|Categories: Personal Finances, Resources|

Scarcity Spells Opportunity

Some folks talk about the good old days and seem to wish they could return to a younger period in their lives. I do not wish to return to any previous time—I would just make different and perhaps worse mistakes! But it seems to be an especially perilous world right [...]

By |July 12th, 2022|Categories: Business, Economy|

Tough Sledding

If you have friends from the 41st latitude, they will tell you there are two seasons—6 months of winter and 6 of tough sledding. That tough sledding part is what we are experiencing in financial markets in 2022. It will probably last through September. After all, this is the mid-term [...]

By |March 2nd, 2022|Categories: Economy, Investment Management, Stocks|
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