Do you own stuff, or does stuff own you? by Luke Davis
If you’ve read my columns before you have probably figured out that I am frugal with my money…no, not frugal, cheap. I come from a long line of bargain hunters that wear the title of cheapskate like a badge of honor. In fact, I couldn’t tell you the last time [...]
Consider options to save for education by Aaron Pickert
Last week I explored the topic of whether paying for your child or grandchild’s education was the right thing to do. This week let’s look at some of the better ways to help fund these soaring education costs. As you are probably aware, education costs are not only rising for [...]
Weigh costs, benefits of college by Aaron Pickert
As a child you knew that after Independence Day school was going to come faster than you wished. As a parent, you are probably ecstatic for your kids to get back into a full routine. Back to school season makes for a great time to talk about ways in which [...]
Look far ahead, and choose wisely by Luke Davis
Over the weekend I saw a report related to the late Anthony Bourdain’s estate only being worth $1.2 million at the time of his death. Assuming that the former celebrity chef and TV personality’s estate would have been worth much more, I decided to look into the matter further. What [...]
Economy is OK, but nerves are rattled by Ron Finke
I saw recently the Princess Bride movie will be presented this next weekend on Xfinity, Netflix, or some outlet. One of my lifetime favorite movies, it includes a scene in which the hero must transport his love through the Slough of Despond. It is a treacherous place with fire swamps, [...]
Saving and Investing: A Match Made in Heaven by Luke Davis
A recent study conducted by TD Ameritrade revealed some very interesting insights into how the millennial generation views money, and possessions. In the limited amount of space I’m given for this column, I won’t be able to go into all of them. However, I felt a couple of takeaways from [...]
Think carefully about the uses of money by Ron Finke
Money management will always produce better results if you have a wise plan for it. Today we are going to focus on uses of money. Where do we have opportunities to be wise about those uses? A few weeks ago, I suggested you think about your basic beliefs and attitudes [...]
Stock market’s run continues by Aaron Pickert
I made some prediction for 2018 in an Examiner article dated on January 3, 2018. Since we are nearly at the half-way point for the year, it seems as good a time as any to review those predictions and either stay committed or change course. Overall, I was convinced that [...]
Great vacations don’t have to cost a lot of money by Luke Davis
All you need to do is step outside to know summer is here. With summer comes vacation season. If you’re still figuring out how you’re going to travel this summer without breaking the budget may I offer a few suggestions? First, be flexible. You would be surprised how much you [...]
Remember what the holiday is about by Luke Davis
Stewardship Capital President Ron Finke recently commented to me about how strange it was for him to hear people wish one another a happy Memorial Day this past weekend. If I’m honest, the thought had never occurred to me that such a salutation might be inappropriate, but after thinking about [...]