Real Problems
I do not know who might have first said it, but I often now remind myself that if a problem can be solved using only money, it is not a big problem. Our problems as a nation at this time in our history are big problems. Unfortunately, money will not [...]
Why I’m still bullish on America
I have to admit, over the past few months I have written quite a few depressing columns. It’s probably justifiable given just how much pessimism there seems to be out there right now. However, this week I want to hopefully give you a good dose of optimism. With Russian president [...]
Housing market for 2023 appears bleak
Driving through my neighborhood yesterday I saw something I haven’t seen in a while, a home with a for sale sign in the yard. The housing market has been so red hot for so long, that signs don’t even have a chance to hit the ground before the home owner [...]
Sports Betting is a Dangerous Game
Just in time for football season to start, the state of Kansas legalized sports betting for both residents and non-residents alike this past week. Since this is a money column, I thought it would be only appropriate to speak on the topic of sports betting. I won’t comment on the [...]
Embrace life’s challenges and grow
A little over a year ago, my wife and I were in the market for a new vehicle. Our kids were getting older and we found our sedans were just not large enough for our needs and purchased a newer SUV. We no longer needed one of the cars, but [...]
Misallocation of Resources
In the 1980 presidential election debates, Ronald Reagan began his famous quip, Well . . . There you go again! Sometimes it seems we cannot learn from our mistakes. Today I will connect some dots of seemingly unrelated ideas and decisions that have made life in these United States more [...]
Is Today’s Sustainable Energy Actually Sustainable?
This past week on a straight party line vote, Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act. Among other things, the law will attempt to fight climate change and lower carbon emissions here in the US at a cost of roughly 370 billion. As someone who believes in the importance of stewardship, [...]
Teach Your Children Well!
The summer school break is as good as over. Teachers and school personnel are hard at it today, preparing for another new opportunity for our children to become more civilized, hopefully, and to learn the concepts and content necessary to be productive citizens in our society. I thank God for [...]
Ditch the FIRE for the FLOP
Over the past few years there has been a growing lifestyle movement amongst the Millennial and Gen Z groups called the FIRE movement. FIRE stands for Financially Independent Retiring Early. The basic strategy of this plan is to make and grow as much money as you possibly can early in [...]
Changing the definitions of words doesn’t change reality
Last week it was announced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis that U.S. real gross domestic product had dropped in the second quarter by .9%. This report, combined with the previous quarter GDP drop of 1.6% began a long debate from economists and political pundits about the definition of the [...]