Personal Finances

What’s the Emergency?

Henry Buckley once said “Save a part of your income and begin now, for the man with a surplus controls his circumstances and the man without a surplus is controlled by his circumstances.” We all know we should save for a rainy day. We heard it repeated often by our [...]

By |February 1st, 2017|Categories: Personal Finances|

What Goes Up Might Stay Up

Recent financial headlines have focused on the US stock indexes hitting all-time high values most of the days following the US election. You may be experiencing hopes, fears, and concerns around this. Because of this run up, some are saying and you might think that a major collapse is ready [...]

By |December 14th, 2016|Categories: Personal Finances|

The IRS Calling?

Last week my wife and I had the opportunity to enjoy Thanksgiving with our son and his family in Salt Lake City, Utah. I had expected that with less attention and trading, the stock indexes would fall back a bit. But it was full speed ahead for stocks and lower [...]

By |December 1st, 2016|Categories: Personal Finances|

Giving Thanks for People

I have been writing a Thanksgiving column long enough now to be a tradition. Since pilgrim time, and again since 1863, Thanksgiving in these United States is a great tradition itself. It is our best holiday now especially because, other than perhaps decorations and flower arrangements, there are no expensive [...]

By |November 22nd, 2016|Categories: Personal Finances|

Financial Willpower

Much has been written about the increasing waistline of the average American but not as much time has been spent on the state of our financial wellbeing. Just as food with saturated fats and our sedentary culture are harming our health, our consistently low savings rate with corresponding high debt [...]

By |September 21st, 2016|Categories: Personal Finances|

Small Changes

Many people use the beginning of a new school year like the New Year’s holiday, as an opportunity to think about ways that they can improve their lives through new and changed habits. Let me suggest that rather than making a drastic change that you focus on some small things [...]

By |August 24th, 2016|Categories: 401(k), Personal Finances|

Memorial Day Family Present

Through Facebook, I enjoyed reading stories about military heroes this past week, particularly those who gave their last full measure of devotion for their friends, family, for us all. Many of us in the Midwest also use this weekend to reminisce and thank God for our family members who helped [...]

By |June 1st, 2016|Categories: Personal Finances|

Planning for Success

We are planning a vacation for later this summer in the Rockies. With the internet, there is too much information and too many choices. One could spend hours and days just trying to figure out what to do and see. The possibilities are all exciting and I’m looking forward to [...]

By |May 19th, 2016|Categories: Personal Finances|
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