Attention passengers of flight 2023
Ever since inflation took hold of our economy in mid-2021 Federal Chairman Jerome Powell has consistently said his desire is to use interest rate hikes to softly land the plane that is the US economy. So far, in this effort I would say he has been successful in this attempt [...]
Who’s responsible for Labor Day?
Now that Labor Day has passed, let us not forget about workers and the challenges they face. I don’t know about you, but Labor Day has become one of my absolute favorite holidays. Being the husband of an elementary teacher, and having two young kids, the back-to-school season can really [...]
Crime continues to RISE as our values DECLINE
If you were watching the news at all last week, you likely saw video of the Nordstroms location in Los Angeles ransacked by a flash mob in broad daylight resulting in over $300,000 worth of merchandise being stolen. Unfortunately, this tragic event was not a one-off and I believe is [...]
Sometimes business needs to get personal
Will they or won’t they? That is the question I have been asking myself as I continue to watch feuding tech moguls, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg tease a pay-per-view cage fight between them. mark-zuckerberg-cage-fight-vs-elon-musk Considering the significant public interest in this, I have no doubt it would be one [...]
Breaking down the Gender Pay Gap
While I myself am not a huge soccer fan, I know many of you out there are. With the Women’s World Cup semi-finals happening as we speak, I’m sure some of you are getting up early or staying up late to watch all of the action live. Womens Soccer World [...]
The case of Nuclear Power
Energy is the lifeblood of everything in the universe. We leaped out of the dark ages by harnessing the power of stored energy in the form of burning wood, then coal, and rocketed forward with the use of gasoline and other fossil fuels to power our energy needs. We simply [...]
Cash may no longer be king
Last week my family and I went on a summer vacation. While traveling I was amazed to discover just how many merchants no longer accept cash as a form of payment. This transition to a cashless society has been coming for a while but the pandemic certainly sped the whole [...]
Plea for Reasoned Voting
Today I write an unusual column. I always try to provide you information and opinion to help you make your money work harder, protect you from loss, or be reassured that wise decisions will bear good fruit in the long term. Today I unashamedly ask you to vote for the [...]
The Broken Clock Recession?
It’s been about 15 years now since we had our last true recession. Last year nearly everyone, including yours truly, expected a recession to take hold by spring of this year. As it goes with most things with the stock market, when most people expect something, it usually does the [...]
Ignorance is bliss……until it’s not.
Sometimes I get accused of beating up on young people too much. Particularly when it comes to their views on financial matters. However, a recent study conducted by Northwestern Mutual gives at least a little justification for my attacks on them. According to the survey, among all generations polled, Gen [...]