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The wrong way to lower prices

Recently while visiting my parents, my oldest son Ethan uncovered large amounts of the baseball cards I collected as a kid. While not a huge baseball fan himself, he does like money and recognized some of these cards might be valuable and began sifting through them to find cards he [...]

By |September 3rd, 2024|Categories: Business, Economy|

Delaying some taxes

As you know, death and taxes are a permanent feature of this present world. One good general principle is to delay paying taxes as long as possible, but other factors can override the tax considerations. After the past few years of changes, one must begin taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) [...]

By |August 20th, 2024|Categories: 401(k), Retirement|

The Elephant in the Nation

Have you heard which party is serious about slowing down the rate of debt we owe? Trick question, right? You have not heard because the answer is, Neither one! Even though I am an optimist at heart, it is my realistic opinion that we have reached and passed the point [...]

By |July 9th, 2024|Categories: Politics, Debt, Government|
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