This morning, I am sitting while awaiting breakfast in Creston, Iowa, with a group of about 35. I came up yesterday as a member of a chainsaw crew of the Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief organization to cut up and cut down damaged or downed trees the tornado caused last week in Greenfield.

Our incident leader informed us of the tremendous outpouring of help and resources here in west central Iowa for this community. In addition to our well-organized group that shows up quickly following any tornado, hurricane—even the Maui fire last year, the leader said many of the agriculture industry cooperatives (the pork and beef producers), the insurers, Rubicon, a group of veterans, along with local churches and church associations were here almost immediately.

It has been about a week since the tornado killed five during its 40-mile devastation. Already most of the triage has been successfully performed. FEMA representatives are about to be available for residents to apply for monetary aid, help from our tax dollars.

Survivor emotional and mental scars will take months and years to heal, but it is gratifying to see so many ready, trained, and willing to help. This is an important part of our American culture.

In other countries, it is not like this. Celeste Maddocks, our associate, tells of the sad situation in her native South Africa. The horrendous flood damage of recent years remains while no one, not even its government, works to repair and improve the situation.

When we see a problem, we call on others to come together and solve it. It often does not even take a tragedy. People are willing to work, vocationally and as volunteers (as we are), to make our own communities and the world at large better in all ways.

When clients are discouraged at the state of chaos that seems to be increasing around us, I try to remind them that most of us get up every day to apply our best efforts to make our businesses and communities better, whether for pay or profit or to be good for nothing! The government can help or hinder us through its policies and procedures, but we are the foundation of a culture focused upon improvement.

Remember that regardless of your state of health or strength, you can be an encouragement to your family members and friends. In particular, we must lead our youngsters to believe we can and do make positive differences. Their despair shows up every week in statistics of suicide and deaths from drugs.

One of my favorite Bible verses is Paul’s letter to the Romans in chapter 15, verse 13. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Let’s keep on keeping on. This is what we were created to do. It is our stewardship.

(Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The advice is general in nature and not intended for specific situations)