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So far stewcap has created 131 blog entries.

Revisit the Caution Flag

A month or so ago, I discussed the statistical probability of a change of the bullish stock market trend during the coming months. The view at that time was clearly uncertain.  The indexes had plummeted during the last half of January until February 3, a minus 5.76 percent drop for [...]

By |March 12th, 2014|Categories: Economy|

Whence Cometh Philanthropy?

Harvard University announced last week that Kenneth Griffin, a 1989 graduate, is giving $150 million primarily to support financial aid for its undergraduates. This is part of a $6.5 billion capital campaign started in 2013 to make a Harvard education affordable for all entering students, but especially those from low [...]

By |February 28th, 2014|Categories: Personal Finances|

Sector Rotation

Last week, I discussed the advisability of examining periodic corrections or pull-backs in the stock indexes. Particularly when January results are negative, one should be ready for the end of a bullish trend. From what occurred last week, the weather forecast for stocks looks better again, just like our physical [...]

By |February 19th, 2014|Categories: Economy, Investment Management|

Be On Guard

Even though the stock market indexes have recovered some of their losses suffered this year, it is too early to be certain whether the shorter term bullish trend has changed to the downside, or this is just another pause that refreshes. When a bull market thunders ahead too far for [...]

By |February 15th, 2014|Categories: Economy, Investment Management|

What’s under your mattress?

In the good old days, your emergency money could earn at least 3 or 4 percent in a savings account or a short term certificate of deposit. This was often enough to help keep up with inflation. Now that the Fed has used its zero interest rate strategy to help [...]

By |January 15th, 2014|Categories: Personal Finances|

New Year’s Prediction

History quiz for the new year:  What happens after a really strong year in the stock market? Does the market then usually go up, down, or sideways? This is a more important question than many would count it. History repeats itself in many instances because people usually act according to [...]

By |January 3rd, 2014|Categories: Economy, Investment Management, Stocks|

Tax Filing Delayed

The IRS released a statement yesterday that they will not begin process tax returns until January 31st. According to a statement, the extension "will allow the IRS adequate time to program and test its tax processing systems." This does not affect the April 15 filing deadline. For more, click  

By |December 19th, 2013|Categories: Personal Finances, Taxes|
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