Ron Finke

About Ron Finke

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So far Ron Finke has created 128 blog entries.

More Tough Sledding!

As my friend, Ken Woodruff often says, There are two seasons in Iowa and places north. Winter and tough sledding. The groundhog saw his shadow, but there is an end soon coming to physical winter. The current bear market, not so soon. More tough sledding, until the fourth quarter would [...]

By |February 28th, 2023|Categories: Debt, Economy, News & Events|

Punch Bowl Gone?

For decades, commentators on the Federal Reserve Board (the Fed) have referred to the action of raising federal funds interest rates as taking away the punch bowl at the party. After finally arousing from sleep after the inflation fire was already getting out of control, Fed Chair Jerome Powell has [...]

By |February 7th, 2023|Categories: Debt, Economy, Government, News & Events, Stocks|

Advantage from Losses

I know that many of you reading this column are investors with a long term perspective who generally hold your positions for years. Therefore, today’s message is particularly for you. Since applying technical analysis is definitely not easy or perfect and is labor intensive, keeping stock, bond, or mutual fund [...]

By |December 20th, 2022|Categories: Economy, Investment Management, News & Events|

Still Thankful

Thanksgiving is a time where most of us are reminded of the blessings we have been given and focus our attention on those who may be struggling. Recently I wrote that most of our societal ills today stem from our own poor choices including addictions of all kinds. While these [...]

By |November 23rd, 2022|Categories: Community, Philanthropy|

Real Problems

I do not know who might have first said it, but I often now remind myself that if a problem can be solved using only money, it is not a big problem. Our problems as a nation at this time in our history are big problems. Unfortunately, money will not [...]

By |October 5th, 2022|Categories: Economy|
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