Trust Matters
DIY Anyone? Recently I wrote about investors who have an advisor obtain much better results over time than those without one. I referenced the study by Vanguard about this, but I have noticed a newer one by the Russell Investments organization today. It attempts to quantify how much value can [...]
Speaking to a manager
I speak often on the behavioral differences between various generations in America. It can be seen in the way they work, the way they communicate and even the way they eat. However, I’m not sure there is more of a stark divergence than how they consume media. Traditional forms of [...]
More Surprise in Store?
What just happened in 2023 financially in the US? For professionals, it was one word: Surprise! After suffering an 18 percent plus drop in 2022, the S&P 500 index gained 26.4 percent, almost back to its all-time high point of January 4, 2022. The gargantuan tech companies led the Nasdaq [...]
Money Talks
I think after years of writing this column for the Examiner it should be pretty apparent talking about money comes easily for me. In fact, it’s something I really enjoy doing. However, recent research from Empower shows I am in the minority of people who feel comfortable talking about the [...]
Why Does the Sky Not Fall?
Happy 2024! It is proverbial to end one year and begin a new one with a certain sense of optimism. However, since there seem to be so many diverse matters of our world about which to worry, I would like to address this condition. In President Jimmy Carter’s words from [...]
Love can Cost you
Elenor Roosevelt was once quoted as saying “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” Being a financial advisor, I have seen my fair share of financial mistakes others have made. What is even more heartbreaking is when these mistakes are not [...]
True Joy
The period of December through New Year’s Day is now called the holidays. Even that term is an amendment of Holy Days so you really cannot get away from the religious significance. Historically, it has been dominated in our culture as Christmastime. We give gifts to each other, presumably in [...]
Dangers of Financial Apathy
I often get the inspiration for my articles from everyday people and situations. This week I got it from shoppers in a grocery store. I was there doing my weekly Saturday morning shopping. This particular week the store had 8 oz bags of shredded cheese on sale for $1.79. Being [...]
Boring Success
This past Sunday morning, someone was in a hurry. On I-70 in Kansas City, a driver sped in and out of east bound traffic until he struck the rear end of another vehicle, lost control, was thrown out, and died. We will probably never know what was so pressing or [...]
As bankrupting student loans gets easier, your life might get harder
As some of you may already be well aware, student loans are notoriously difficult to be absolved of through normal bankruptcy proceedings. That may all be changing soon as a little over a week the Biden Administration released new data on an initiative the White House developed last year to [...]