Focusing your attention on something real
While I am generally never afraid of sharing my faith in these columns, I also am cognizant of the fact that my beliefs aren’t necessarily shared by all of my readers so I try to keep my articles as secular as possible. However, recently my pastor, Neil Chesshir of One [...]
Delaying some taxes
As you know, death and taxes are a permanent feature of this present world. One good general principle is to delay paying taxes as long as possible, but other factors can override the tax considerations. After the past few years of changes, one must begin taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) [...]
Fed rates are static; Why are privates rates dropping?
Since March of 2022 the Fed has raised interest rates nearly a dozen times with the last quarter percent hike happening more than a year ago. Despite Chairman Powell’s insistence that rates must remain high to curb inflation, interest rates have been falling in recent weeks. In fact, according to [...]
Weighing the good and the bad
Though some may disagree, I believe in America, the greatest determiner of ones' success in life is the sum total of the decisions they personally make. Other factors, of course, also play a role, but if the decisions you make are generally wise and effective, you will succeed. One of [...]
Ways we waste our money
In economic times like these, I think it’s fair to say we are all looking for ways to save money. With prices continuing to go up on most things, that can certainly be difficult. Today, I thought I would share with you a few different areas where you may be [...]
Stuck in the Middle
Although I hate to admit it, I am officially middle aged. As tough as it is to no longer be young, it does come with certain benefits too. I consider myself blessed to be at an age where I not only have young children in my life, but also parents [...]
The Elephant in the Nation
Have you heard which party is serious about slowing down the rate of debt we owe? Trick question, right? You have not heard because the answer is, Neither one! Even though I am an optimist at heart, it is my realistic opinion that we have reached and passed the point [...]
Of all the uses for money, kids are most important
Over the past couple of weeks, I had the pleasure of celebrating the birthdays of both of my sons. While there is an age gap of several years between them, they both were born weeks apart in the month of June. I can honestly say there has been no more [...]
Half year review
Almost everyone has an opinion, right? And I believe those who may claim to have no opinion are often just reluctant to share it. Since I am so long in the business of investing, I receive questions about my opinion of the near future market results. My opinion is worth [...]