Our Blog

Still Thankful

Thanksgiving is a time where most of us are reminded of the blessings we have been given and focus our attention on those who may be struggling. Recently I wrote that most of our societal ills today stem from our own poor choices including addictions of all kinds. While these [...]

By |November 23rd, 2022|Categories: Community, Philanthropy|

Is Pain the Cure?

I’m convinced pain is just ahead and that it’s exactly the medicine we need.  As much as I’d like to get it over with, nice and fast like, I’m afraid what we will get and really need is a period of prolonged pain.  The good old-fashioned type where you find [...]

By |November 16th, 2022|Categories: Economy, News & Events|

Is a zombie apocalypse coming?

With Halloween less than a week away, I thought there would be no better time to write an article on the undead. Yes, that’s right. This week I am going to opine on the topic of zombies and warn you all that a zombie apocalypse could be right around the [...]

By |October 25th, 2022|Categories: Business, Economy|

Investing Requires EQ

One of the largest myths people believe about personal finance and investing is that it is simply a math formula to be solved. In fact, I would argue one’s emotional intelligence has infinitely more impact on their success in investing than their mathematical intelligence. Psychologist Peter Salovey defines emotional intelligence [...]

By |October 12th, 2022|Categories: Investment Management|
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