Personal Finances

College vs. Experience

The debate over education vs. experience has been going on for quite a while, but perhaps never as fervently as it is right now. With millions of people struggling with skyrocketing tuition costs and a shortage of labor both skilled and unskilled alike, just how important is that little piece [...]

By |June 14th, 2021|Categories: Economy, Personal Finances|

Truth About Money

For those who don’t know, my background was not originally in finance. I actually went to school to become an educator. While I no longer teach social studies as I once did, I still have the heart of a teacher. Because of that, I jump on every opportunity I can [...]

By |April 20th, 2021|Categories: Personal Finances|

The Truth About Taxable Gains

A few weeks ago, I wrote about principles and rules for selling investments. Today I deal with the issue of income tax on investments. Perhaps the most common reason offered by investors and promoted by the experts is the drag of income taxes paid upon one’s investment gains. I am [...]

By |February 24th, 2021|Categories: Personal Finances|
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