Ron Finke

About Ron Finke

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So far Ron Finke has created 128 blog entries.

Reasons For Thanksgiving

(The following is obviously my personal opinion from my Christian worldview. If it offends you, then I apologize for the disturbance, but not for my content.) If you have ever been on a mission trip to a lesser developed country, you probably witnessed that native people, especially children, seem to [...]

By |November 26th, 2019|Categories: Personal Finances|

Know Your Medicare Options

I love October in the Midwest. In my opinion, it has the best weather of the entire year. The air is drier and the evenings are great for sweaters or sweatshirts. After some hard frosts, our allergies may be less intense. We experienced Americans, 65 and older, also have another [...]

By |October 9th, 2019|Categories: Insurance, Personal Finances|

Who Needs a Financial Advisor?

At no time in history have we had so much ability to learn whatever we want to know about almost anything. It can cost little cost but the time it takes to acquire it in usable form, assuming you have a computer and internet. In personal finance, this is perhaps [...]

By |August 21st, 2019|Categories: Personal Finances|
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