Luke Davis

About Luke Davis

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So far Luke Davis has created 208 blog entries.

Love can Cost you

Elenor Roosevelt was once quoted as saying “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” Being a financial advisor, I have seen my fair share of financial mistakes others have made. What is even more heartbreaking is when these mistakes are not [...]

By |December 27th, 2023|Categories: Holidays, Budgeting, Debt, Personal Finances|

As bankrupting student loans gets easier, your life might get harder

As some of you may already be well aware, student loans are notoriously difficult to be absolved of through normal bankruptcy proceedings. That may all be changing soon as a little over a week the Biden Administration released new data on an initiative the White House developed last year to [...]

Looking for love in all the wrong places

Over the past few years of writing these columns I have written multiple times on the need to protect yourself from scammers. Generally speaking, these articles have related to people seeking to obtain access to your identity or financial information to do you harm. However, there is another place con-artists [...]

Caring for Children has Never Been Easy: But it May Soon Get Harder

Today American parents spend roughly a quarter of their household income on childcare according to a recently released report by Unfortunately, those costs are expected to rise soon as the funding of a pandemic-era federal childcare program has recently expired. This program, which was part of the American [...]

Price Gaging or Price Gauging?

Recently I surprised my wife Rebecca with tickets to see musician Ed Sheran perform at Arrowhead Stadium. Aside from us both being fans of his, another reason I purchased the tickets was the retail price of them had dropped significantly on Ticketmaster. After buying the bargain tickets, I then looked [...]

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