Young Adults
Attending college or looking for your first job.
Investment Management
As Registered Investment Advisors with a fiduciary duty, we look out for your best interests and put your hard-earned money to work. First, an investment plan is created, carefully considering your goals and level of risk. We report investment results regularly and meet with you as often as you would like. It’s that simple.
401(k) Management
The Capital Maximizer program provides you with individually tailored professional management of your retirement assets. Research shows that investors are more likely to achieve higher returns and, therefore, reach their financial goals by taking advantage of the services of professional financial advisors. Stewardship Capital reviews your employee account on an ongoing basis and makes the changes necessary to maximize long term return and minimize risk of loss—exactly what you would do if you had the time, knowledge, experience and resources that we do.
Disability/ Income Protection
IRA/Roth Account
It’s never too early to start saving towards your retirement. Think of these Individual Retirement Accounts as the final resting place for your retirement funds. Anyone with earned income can open and contribute to an IRA to defer taxes now or in the future.
As you change jobs you can also directly rollover employer plans like 401(k)’s and Profit Sharing Plans into a new Rollover IRA account to potentially receive improved choices and benefits.
Health Insurance

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