Sole Proprietorship
Owning and running a business is hard. We can help you make some of the financial aspects of your business a little bit easier. By allowing us to provide solutions for retirement planning and income protection, you can focus your energy on making your business successful.
401(k) - Including Solo 401(k)s
Life Insurance
Life insurance is a contract in which an insurer, in exchange for a premium, guarantees payment to an insured’s beneficiaries when the insured dies. That beneficiary could be your spouse, children, business, business partner or Trust.
Disability Insurance (Long and Short Term)
As business owner the protection of your ability to earn an income, is vital. In most cases, your business is dependent on you being present and capable of fulfilling all your duties both mentally and physically.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is of vital importance for essential and nonessential procedures, illnesses, Dental and eye care, accidents, and general peace of mind for the unforeseen medical emergencies we all may encounter at some point in our lives.
Critical Illness Insurance
Critical illness can be used by business owners, to enhance an employee’s salary package with the company or as an incentive subject to terms and conditions.

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